Development of leaders and organizations, based around Human Resource Assessment
Developing Leaders
Development of human resources who work together with the organization's members and create new values for sustainable growth
It is important to develop leaders who will take the core roles in the organization by accurate selection of candidates and effective timing to take on.
We plan and propose development plans for those leaders who will undergo self-transformation, with a focus on middle management who face significant changes in transition from players, and a group of human resources who will fill the next generation management.
Developing Organizations
Support to create vibrant organizations with sense of teamwork
To support growth of working individuals and produce high performance of the organization, it is important to approach the organization's system and dynamics including its culture and conventions.
We design and propose plans based on the organization development approach to embody the will of the management into HR policy, including establishing human resource requirements, and formulating mechanisms of member-initiated workshops and talent management.
Human Resource Assessments
Reliable Human Resource Assessment Program to determine leadership aptitude
This is a training-style leader aptitude assessment program with simulation exercises by adopting the Assessment Center Method, which is considered one of the most valid methodologies in the field of competency assessment.

Competencies Development Trainings
Training programs to deliver reachable messages and high effectiveness
We plan and propose the most effective training programs by elaborate hearings to confirm your company policy and the actual situations of candidates.

Survey Tools
Effective consulting approach
starting from accurate understanding
of current conditions
Both personal and organizational development start from accurate self-understanding, and precise recognition of the current situation.